cake eaters military slang

Stepping in the shit: Refers to a sailor that has made a mistake so large, that it comes to the attention of the Commanding Officer, who instantly begins chewing him out on the spot, Usually remarked on before the Commanding Officer appears, e.g. USS Lake Cham Pain: The USS Lake Champlain. Wolf Ticket: Highly suspect information. This follows from a three-section watch rotation, and results in the sailor standing watch at a different time every day and night, repeating every three days. Seachest: Ballast intake/discharge portals below the waterline of a ship. They are more often than not quite beautiful and are often sought after by nave junior sailors who neglect to check the downstairs plumbing until its too late. Named for the affordable alcoholic beverage it sells to junior sailors and contractors, ChuHai. Sailor 2: "Fuhgowee burger sandwiches.". Bubba: Any shipyard worker. Armpit of the Med: Naples, Italy. A water craft small enough to be carried on a ship (ships themselves may only be called boats by members of the crew who have completed a deployment). Quadzip: Four numeral zero's in a row. See also "Mess Deck Intelligence.". Roll-em's: Movie night, usually shown in the ready room or the wardroom. May be used simply as a description of the sailor's background or as a pejorative depending on context. Also called an "Underway Sock" or "Happy Sock.". Quarters can be for the entire command, or just the department, division, or branch. By definition a technical manager. Members are known as "A-Gangers." Compare "Ricky Boxing.". See also "Salty," below. Officer: "Noted." Such a sailor will likely be restricted to the ship at the next liberty port. Scuttle: A smaller, sealable, opening in a larger, heavier door or hatch. Very rarely occurs due to duty. DIW: Dead in the Water. The Goo: Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC). Drifty: Lacking the ability to stay focused while attempting to perform a given task. Fourballs: Midnight, entered as 0000 when writing logs; The "Fourballs watch" is midnight to 0600 when underway on a submarine, using a 3 person x 6 hour shift, 18 hour rotation "day" for each watchstation. During the act of getting underway, an order to ", Sinker: Loss of contact with a submarine being tracked by a surface ship when the submarine submerges. Trident: Special Warfare Insignia earned by Navy SEALS. Noodle: Commonly referred to as a goofy, borderline retarded sailor with a big head (like a meatball) and a small body like a noodle. Continual disregard WILL attract a punishment shower with scrub brushes. Phraseology: Instant Boatswain's Mate, just add water. Must be signed off by a superior or expert. "Boot ensign.". Topsider: Anyone who is not a nuke, or Engineer. Marine Dinner Tray: Derogatory description (to the "eldest service branch") of an enlisted sailor's 13 button flap on the front of his dress blue uniform trousers. Used to motivate someone who is not pulling their weight. Hole: Main engineering space aboard ship to include the Fire Room (boiler room), Machinery Room (Engine Room) or a combined room (Main Machinery Room) contains both boilers and main engines. Read as "If you ain't ordnance, you ain't shit" Pronounced "eye-OH-yahs" and yelled out during ceremonies; also known as "If you're ordnance, your ASVAB sucked.". The term is also used of sailors who enlist in Advanced Electronics or Nuclear training tracks, as these also require a 6 year commitment. Cat: Man. Stain Us: Derogatory name for USS JOHN C STENNIS (CVN-74). ", these items have very limited use--one specific evolution--and therefore could also refer to a sailor with only one skill or is qualified on only one watch station. Often refers to all chiefs, E-7 through E-9. Apocryphally, a show in which women have sex with dogs and ponies: Sailors may claim to have witnessed such shows in. Ricky Boxing: Masturbation. Cadillac: A mop bucket, usually with wheels and a wringer. Powder Monkey: Term referring to a sailor sent back and forth for an item, usually tasked to retrive something from below-decks; derives from young boys who served on wooden ships that retrieved powder for broadside firing. Marine Mattress: A female who likes to "socialize" with the Marines. Mandatory Fun: Any command sponsored social event that everyone HAS to attend, or get into big trouble. Tin Chicken: US Merchant Marine Officer Insignia on a US Naval Officers uniform, often worn above the SWO pin. Air Force Gloves: Pockets. ID10T: Idiot, pronounced "Eye-Dee-Ten-Tango." Usually announced over the 1MC "Navy Exchange Mobile Canteen is on the pier" or at great risk to the announcer: "The Roach Coach is making its approach.". VC: Fixed Wing Composite aircraft squadrons. Pushbutton: Term applied to a 6 year enlistee with advanced schooling. Happy Sock: A sock used for masturbation. "), Pier tender: A ship that never gets under way. : Same Old Shit or Shit-on-a-shingle. FOAD: Acronym, Fuck Off And Die, traditional response to MARF see below. Shower Tech: Sonar Technician (Submariner). Same as Bluejacket, referring to the blue utility shirt worn by those personnel. Training Anchorage (TRANCH): A frustrating, fuel-saving method of practicing battle tactics electronically among ships while at anchor, usually within sight of an attractive liberty port. see also The Load. Gator Navy: The part of the surface Navy that exclusively supports embarked Marines and amphibious operations. Here today, GUAM tomorrow: Received orders from one island to another island, as in ADAK to GUAM. Goat locker: A lounge or galley for the exclusive use of "Chiefs.". This item is available to borrow from 1library branch. Word Shitter: Another name for those embossing label makers. Frocked: Advanced in rank or rate with no pay increase. They make replacement parts and repair or overhaul ship's engines and auxiliary systems. : Fuck It, I Got My Orders: A refusal of a long or tough assignment near the end of a duty rotation. Sometimes referred to by specific ingredients, e.g. Emergency Blow: When a sub rapidly blows all of the ballast out of the ballast tanks, resulting in a rapid ascent and an impressive display as the sub breaks the surface. Also called "Fresh Air Snipe.". Today- taking an afternoon off to take care of 'personal matters'. Depending on the rank of the commanding officer involved, the name of the procedure may change to Admiral's Mast, OIC's Mast, etc. MEDCRUISE: A float (operational cruise) in the Mediterranean Sea. Plank Owners are "Piped Aboard" when shown proper certification. Dog zebra: Closing fittings or doors for light discipline at night. The 43P-2, 43P-3 & 43P-4 books were replaced in the mid 1980's with one book. Rent-A-Crow: A sailor advanced to E-4 because they graduated top of their "A" school class. Im putting a three frame rule on him. also,"Forever Fucking Gone", A frigate which spends more time underway than in port. Can: Jail, car. also used as Civilian Life Incentive Program. Variations include clinging to the MAD boom or water-skiing from the MAD Boom. Geedunk-a-donk: A huge jiggly ass acquired from eating too much geedunk. Case-Evac. Similar to a real check valve which only allows fluid to go one way. Never washed, except as a prank by disgruntled juniors. OOC: Pronounced "oh oh see." (4) Chief Kitchen's office in Slidell, LA. NMOP: (common on Boomer Subs) No More Patrols Ever. The USS IWO JIMA LPH-2, IYAOYAS: Unofficial acronym commonly found on the uniforms of airedales who specialize in ordnance handling. FASOTRAGRULANT/PAC: Fleet Aviation Specialized Operational Training Group, Atlantic and Pacific. Tends to be obese with a strong body odor. USS Slurpeefish: The USS SAN FRANCISCO. At aviation commands, FOD can also describe a worthless individual, i.e. Building 20: Derogatory term used to describe the U.S.S. (2) Reminiscence among older sailors, not necessarily with embellishment but often times a mutual exaggeration and perhaps colorful language: "Remember the time we were in the Gulf of Thailand for that ?" one or both of the sailors is currently in a relationship/marriage with a person not stationed on the ship). Anal Palace: The fast attack submarine USS Annapolis. Preferred term by Amphib sailors for LCM-8 or LCM-6 boats, as opposed to "Mike" boat. (When describing a female, it may stand specifically for "Fat Upper Pussy Area"; when describing a male, "Fat Upper Penis Area."). Emerald Shellback: One who crossed the Equator at the Greenwich Meridian. Lifer Locker: Lounge used by E-6's onboard ship. 3Ps are relatively new pilots in a patrol aircraft. When applied to an aviator, it means not allowed to fly. Fleet Up: When a second in command takes his senior's place upon that senior's transfer, retirement, or other re-assignment. Fast Cruise: Pretending to be underway while moored to a pier. An obsolete / unofficial procedure signal. Saltpeter: Chemical supposedly added to "bug juice" aboard ship to stifle libido. Pit: (1) A sailor's rack or bunk. 1D10T or ID10T: A mythical substance that new Sailors are sent in search of as a joke. See also "NoFuck, Vagina. Training Aids: Logically, these are items used to assist by demonstration some point in a training lecture. Civie cut: A civilian haircut worn by males who live around military towns to distinguish themselves from military personnel. (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery). Bug Juice,the JP-5 infused koolaid served aboard aircraft carriers, Appendix:Glossary of U.S. Navy slang/Unit nicknames, S.N.A.F.U. : Seen on a numerical list of epithet substitutions, especially transmitted over radio, which has to stay clean. DinQ: Delinquent in Qualifications, or some other admin requirement, "on the dinq list for tetanus shot", Dipper: An anti-submarine helocopter with a variable depth dipping SONAR. 1MC: The General Announcing system on a ship. Depending on the wardroom and in particular on the person preparing the grog, it may be pleasant and delicious or one of the most foul and disgusting beverages ever conceived. With the retirement of the S-3B Viking all VS squadrons have been decommissioned. Plank Owner: Term used for original crew personnel assigned to ships company during commissioning. Term referred to newly reported sailors with no qualifications or experience. Shellback: An individual who has crossed the Line/, Shitbag (also Shitbird, Shitbrick, Shithead, Shitstain, Shitstick, Shitrat, Shitweed): (1) (. a "field expedient Frappuccino" might be made by putting all the MRE coffees, sugars, and creamers into a 2-liter bottle and mixing. None of the goodies get past that person. (USMC) A 50/50 solution of Skin-So-Soft & alcohol used during drill to repel sand fleas at Paris Island. Often jocularly applied to broken minor items not requiring any report, or to personnel who are on the. Also refers to a mythical rate or ship type an "FTN Striker" says he/she is trying to get in (i.e. See "Brown Water.". The similar silver clouds and lightning bolts addition to an Air Force Major's/Colonel's hat is called Farts and Darts. F.U.P.A. ", Swinging Dick: Spoken by Marines, and sailors to refer to healthy shipmates while on maneuvers, e.g. On Submarines the 1st Looey (1st Lt) is usually an non-qual Ensign and he runs "seaman gang" responsible for, among other responsibilities, all the gadgets necessary for handling and storing of mooring lines, materiel condition of Topside (chipping and painting), escape and rescue equipment like life vests and Steinke Hoods back when they were carried. XOI: Executive Officer's Inquiry: A step in the. LHO: Large Heavy Object. (like WESTPAC referring to a Western Pacific deployment. Sometimes used to connect CIC to Engineering. Two-block: To have all the work one can handle. Seabee: A member of the Construction Battalions. Or jump out of your rack and make it. Dear John (or Jane) Letter: A letter (or nowadays, e-mail) that a sailor receives in which his or her significant other breaks up with or leaves him or her whilst the latter is deployed. Definition of cake-eaters in the Idioms Dictionary. Air Force Salute, Airman Salute, Airedale Salute: An "I don't know" shrug of the shoulders. Meat Gazer: Unlucky individual designated to make sure the urine in a "Whiz Quiz" actually comes from the urinator's body. Served at galleys in lieu of regular chow for sailors on the go. Prefaced by the type or theater of service the deployed spouse is in, e.g. (hence nickname). Zero: Officer. KVAR: "Shows up as an apparent load on the system but does no actual work." It is considered by the Navy as sacred waters, and, every year during the commeration of the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, a ship in the area will put out to sea, and drop a wreath in the area to honor the dead. Loop, Looper: An officer, usually a LT or LCDR, who is an admiral's aide. A cake eater is a slang term that is often used to describe a person who is perceived as being easy-going, lacking ambition or drive, and living a comfortable, affluent lifestyle. These recruits usually end up getting ASMO'ed to a company that is earlier in training. Tits Machine: Old-school term for a kick-ass aircraft, usually a fighter, that consisted of little more than an airframe, minimal avionics, and a huge engine or two. "I see you have summer creases in your shirt. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. (1) Good sea stories should involve creative embellishment, inasmuch as one should tell it better than the guy one heard it from, with oneself (or an un-named "buddy") as the new star. Takedown request | View complete answer on What does cake Eaters mean in the military? Derives from Port Orchard, Washington, across Sinclair Inlet from PSNS. Also used to pass information between a flight deck fuel station and flight deck control as to status of fueling operations for individual aircraft. This is almost always used when ashore. From the rating badge which has 4 lightning bolts. If they are found to have soiled clothing as a result of not showering, several of the company will take the recruit into the barracks shower and scrub the persons bare skin with floor broom heads. John Wayne toilet paper: Toilet paper that is rough, tough, and takes shit from no one. USS Lastship: The ship a sailor was on previously. NQP: "Non-Qual-Puke": A non-qualified crewman who is not yet able to stand watch. Ricky Ninja: Within minutes of lights out, the entire division is asleep, except for the Ricky Ninjas, dressed in their ski masks and sweaters, sliding from rack to rack, Gullivering, dirty-dicking, and spitting in the RPOC's canteen. An Army soldier conducts a static line parachute jump from a UH-60M Black Hawk helicopter, assigned to 16th Combat Aviation Brigade, 7th Infantry Division, at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington,. Any mesh bag, but so named because usually used to contain soiled laundry. Coffin Locker: A personal storage area located underneath a sailor's rack. Nuke Striker: Perjorative term used by nukes to describe a coner that asks endless questions about the operations of the nuclear power plant. Often condoned when essential to get underway. There are currently two Coast Guard SEALS, who completed SEAL training before the program was cancelled. So named because one can't do anything without a chit, especially one that is "lost in routing". Usually results in one of two things, either NJP, or a fist fight. Usually the senior pilot on a patrol aircraft, having been previously designated a 2P (second pilot). ", FEP: Fitness Enhancement Program. Many sailors find this amusing until it happens to them. Reveille: An announcement over the 1MC at 0600 local time, bugle call, trumpet call or pipes call, most often associated with the military; it is chiefly used to wake military personnel at sunrise. Also refers to sailors who have yet to attend any schools that assign NEC (Navy Enlisted Classification) codes upon graduation. Sea Lawyer: (1) A sailor or his buddy, making eloquent but completely spurious arguments at Captain's Mast, or in response to some disciplinary action. Training before the program was cancelled retirement of the sailors is currently in a `` Whiz Quiz '' actually from... Transfer, retirement, or branch to describe the U.S.S Fun: any command social! 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